Tuesday, March 8, 2011


aku tahu aku tamak, 2 yang aku suka tulis post bnyak2 dlm sehari !
about today post ?
today post rather hurts my feeling !
( betol tak grammar aku ? )
but kenapa tiba tiba aku sakit hati ?
sapa buad aku sakit hati ?
okey, let me explain something about it .

masa aku on9 fb, hakim antar chat, dy tanya " SYAZA ON9 TAK ? "
who's the hell is SYAZA ?
syaza is hakim junior's like me !
kalu aku nak cerita, panjang sngat sampai time aku gado !
so, korang nak tahu tanya sendiri ler aku kat fb .
tak bole crita kat sini, agak bahaya !

hakim tiba tiba tersalah panggil ler konon . dy panggil aku MAMALIA !
aku sakit hati kot but, 2 tak menyakitkan hati aku sangat !
ada benda yang lagi menyakitkan hati aku !
pas2 takapa lerr, kami dok gado ( gado as friend jaa )
aku kata kat dy, aku nak panggil dy HAKI .
dy takbagi,
pas2 aku ckp kat dy, aku nak panggil dy BOROI bole tak ?
dy tak bagi n dy ckp " boroi2 aku pon, ada awek setia nan aku "
ayad tak bole belah !
and bla bla bla ~~

aku tulis kat wall hakim . aku kata - " oit2, HAKI "
hakim tak kata apaapa pon, mai2 ASYRAAF SYAZANI yang lebih lebih.
aku tau ler yang hakim 2 is your best friend but jaga ler sikit mulut kat 2 !
aku pon ada hati and perasaan but kau cakap mcm aku takadap hati and perasaan !

          Asyraaf Syazani Hoi! Bg salam, n 1 lg, HAKIM la! Not Haki!, tau x ia bleh mngubah mksud nama seseorang, ish3, tau la jb lem, nk 2kar nama jb xpa la, bkn ada mksud pon, xP
                                          (  apa yang asyraaf comment kat wall hakim ) 

kalu korang sakit hati tak kalu org tak tahu asal usul dtg comment cm2 ? 
bagi aku, SAKIT HATI TERAMAT ! but bagi korang mungkin tak kot . right ?

but, thanks to HAKIM RAHMAN because being such a good and caring senior ! ( kau bole expand bila baca ni )
kerana dy lerr, sakit hati aku KURANG SIKIT JAA . wlpon sikit jaa but berbaloi lerr jugak .
masa aku dok chat nan dy, takpayah dok kata lerr. airmata mengalir dngan laju nye !
LOL ( but serious ni )
hakim telah sedaya upaya cuba utk buad aku tenang but dlm keadaan tension mcm ni, susah sikit .

                         ( * orang yang berkenaan dengan dy, please jangan jealous of it * ) 

  Dear my respectful senior,
    Before this, I'm very respectful on you but I'm not expecting that this is you gonna reply it ! I know that we never ever become closer because I know that you has a girlfriend . But me as a junior respect all of the seniors but you one of the seniors did not respect your junior . maybe you think, this is rather silly but I'm serious . From now on, we no longer have any contact . Start from today, I'll ignore a boy that names ASYRAAF SYAZANI ! I've no any respectful on you ! I don't want to friend with you although you don't want to friend with me ! I can't stand any more from what you has said to me on the comment ! IF YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING, JUST SHUT UP !
                                                                                                                                               your junior,

haha,agak gila kot aku tiba2 buad surat ni !
LOL but, aku dah memang tak tahan dengan dy so, ni je ler caranyew nak lepas tension aku !